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Royal Massage 

The Royal Massage takes traditional lomi lomi massage and kicks it up a notch, adding in elements such as hot stones and essential oils


Lomi Lomi massage technique is one of the oldest and most profound forms of massage. The word Lomi simply means "to knead, to rub, or soothe; to work in and out, as the paws of a contented cat." It may also mean "to take and turn, to shift" as in "the sacred shift within you that is inspired by the healing kahuna..." said twice "Lomi Lomi" for emphasis. It is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient Polynesians and more specifically the master healers of Hawaii.


To understand what Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage is you have to have an understanding of the Hawaiian philosophy called Huna, and how the philosophies of Huna relate to bodywork and healing. A fundamental assumption of Huna is that everything seeks harmony and everything seeks love. When harmony is lacking the effect is pain physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Illness is a state of tension, which leads to resistance which blocks energy movement. Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage helps release this and therefore facilitates the road to healing. On the physical level, through Lomi Lomi stress and tension are relieved, blood and lymph flow assisted and the elimination of wastes and toxins stimulated. 


The Royal Massage was developed by Jermaine from the concept of "Lomi Lomi massage" to provide an all around "pampering" session. This session was not designed to accommodate someone who would like corrective work or deep pressure but, for someone who wants a deeper relaxation. The draping for this service - covering your genital area and breasts with small towels - eliminates the stop and go motion like in your basic Swedish or Integrated Therapeutic Massage.

Gentle stretches and joint rotations are common in this massage, as is the massaging two parts of your body at the same time, for example, using one hand or forearm on your shoulder while simultaneously massaging a hip with the other hand or forearm. Both massaging two areas at the same time and the long flowing strokes are believed to promote harmony and balance in your body.

Traditional lomi lomi always includes abdominal massage because Hawaiian tradition considers the colon part of a person's soul or heart.
The physical benefits of this massage are the same as other types of massage in terms of relaxing muscles, promoting circulation and releasing blocked energy. The difference lies in the Hawaiian traditions woven into the massage, including the belief that "loving hands" help you release not only physical tension but also mental, emotional and spiritual blockages.



 Studio Services

  60 minutes starting at $185


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